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    Web Performance Audit

    A website performance audit is a commonly requested service among businesses. You can avail yourself of this audit by engaging our consulting services. Let's delve into why a performance audit is so crucial.

    What is web performance?

    Web performance is crucial for the brand reputation and is one of the key factors that drive business success. Fast and responsive web applications that load and respond to interactions with minimal delays is a thing that users expect nowadays as a given thing.

    Let's break down the critical aspects of website performance.

    • Page load time. A quick page load time is often seen as essential for improving user experience.
    • Interface responsiveness. This factor indicates how swiftly a site reacts to user interaction. Interface responsiveness is closely tied to the overall performance of the site.
    • Website visibility. An essential factor indicates how easily your site can be found online.
    • Usability. This factor pertains to having a user-friendly and intuitive interface that is easily understandable for the average person.

    Website performance is somewhat connected to SEO, making it advantageous to consider consulting services as part of a comprehensive package.

    Why is it crucial to ensure a well-performing website?

    The main reason lies in the way users perceive your site. If visitors experience slowness on a web page, it can lead to frustration and even impact the business revenue. People dislike returning to a time when waiting for a single page to load took several minutes. In today's digital age of quick information access, providing users with the best experience is essential. Generally, users are willing to wait for a page to load for no more than 3 seconds, and beyond that, they are likely to switch to a faster-competing website.

    Why is it essential to enlist experts to improve web performance?

    Getting specialists involved in enhancing web performance makes sense for various reasons, given that efficiently managing this aspect of a website demands specific skills and expertise. Here are a few key reasons why seeking professional assistance is advisable:

    • Technical proficiency. Dealing with web performance involves a number of technical procedures, from code base optimization to handling caching. Specialists are well-versed in these areas and can thoroughly analyze your site to identify and address any bottlenecks.
    • Optimizing for different devices. Professionals consider various devices, including computers, tablets, and mobile devices, along with varying network conditions when optimizing.
    • Analysis and reporting. Specialists can conduct a detailed analysis of your website's performance using various tools and metrics. They can provide reports on identified issues and suggestions for improvement.
    • Adhering to best practices. Web performance professionals stay updated on modern trends and best practices in the field. This experience enables them to propose solutions that align with current standards and requirements.
    • Proactive resource management. Specialists can effectively manage server resources, optimize database queries, and efficiently use computational power.

    Engaging professionals in web performance not only helps address current issues but also prevents potential problems in the future, ensuring a stable and high-performing website.

    How can professionals assist in enhancing website performance?

    To enhance website performance, both front-end and back-end developers play crucial roles. But without proper guidance and a roadmap with actual trouble spots and suggested fixes, their efforts may be misdirected or futile. An auditor has to have a profound knowledge of a code base, testing tools, relevant metrics, and soft skills to be on the same line with everyone during actual communication and document flow.

    1. An auditor (or their manager) conducts the initial communication with the client, where all the focus areas of the upcoming audit are discussed and noted in as much detail as possible.
    2. The audit itself. It may involve developers, testers, and other professionals from their areas.
    3. The audit report documentation form is designed with maximum transparency and is flexible to alter in response to the client’s needs and adjustments.
    4. Report handover, general feedback, and resolution of residual issues.

    Improving web performance is a complex task: Hosting Speed, Firewall Security, Client-Server Data Flow, Load Tests and Usage Peaks are only some of the parameters that require constant attention and optimization. Consulting services are highly recommended if you want professionals to analyze your website and, ultimately, save you time and resources.

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    • Planning and scheduling

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    Let’s Talk!
    To get your project underway, simply contact us and an expert will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

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