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    All posts by security tag
    Payment Tokenization: Why Does Every Business Need it? Posted by Danyl Koltak in Blog, Technologies on August 5th, 2022

    There is no doubt that today, any business strives to work online. Indeed, before making any purchase, most shoppers conduct online research. And shopping online is convenient and fast. Therefore, the seller needs to provide a safe platform for customers. However, along with the proliferation...

    e-commercepayment appsecurity
    How Secure is Data in the Cloud? Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Technologies on November 11th, 2019

    The cloud computing technological revolution is in progress, though undergoing some evolutionary changes. When an increasing number of individual users and businesses are moving their data and whole IT infrastructures to the cloud, it is natural to start wondering how secure this cloud computing data...

    cloud computingsecurity
    General Data Protection Regulation: Part 2 Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Services on April 30th, 2018

    Re-consenting under the General Data Protection Regulation Introducing the GDPR subject, naturally, the question arises as to whether companies have to get consents of their entire databases. The Regulation sets a high standard for it, yet the immediate answer is “no.” What really matters is...

    General Data Protection Regulation: Part 1 Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Services on April 10th, 2018

    Adopted on 27 April 2016, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will replace the 1995 Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC, taking force on 25 May 2018. Thus, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, and the European Commission are aiming at creating Digital Single...

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