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    Vilmate Running Club ‒ just an idea or a huge motivational factor? Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Vilmate on August 8th, 2023

    Vilmate LLC has been running Vilmate Running Club (sorry for the tautology :) for 4 years. This is a perk that is 100 percent paid by the company. And the main question is what is its future perspective and why does it exist first thing?...

    running clubvilmate
    Supporting the Team in the Thick of War: Vilmate Experience Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Vilmate on September 23rd, 2022

    Against the background of active military events in our country, we would like to share the experience of extreme crisis management at Vilmate, which our Kharkiv team has acquired since the beginning of the invasion. We’ll talk about the actual operational and structural solutions the...

    businesscorporate culturehrvilmate
    Outsourcing vs. Hiring in-house: The Real Cost Savings from IT Outsourcing Posted by Anna Kumbatova in Blog, Services on January 5th, 2021

    A lot has been said and written about outsourcing software development. About the top reasons to hire Ukrainian developers, challenges involved in outsourcing app development, whether it is safe to hire an offshore development team, what outstaffing means, and how to manage dedicated teams’ availability....

    dedicated teamsoutsourcingoutstaffingvilmate
    Benefits of DevOps for Businesses: Vilmate Experience Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Technologies on March 26th, 2020

    Some time ago, Vilmate was involved with a high-load web project. It had been launched back in 2012, and since then, multiple teams had been taking turns working on the web application. Team members were coming and going, and each new squad tried to leverage...

    Vilmate Green Office Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Vilmate on September 5th, 2019

    Initiating a recycling program in the workplace is easy — that’s what we’ve learned from our own experience. Getting started with recycling It all began six months ago. One day, encouraged by the example of our new client, we looked into the garbage produced in...

    Vilmate is Setting up an Office Recycling Program Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Vilmate on April 10th, 2019

    According to the Guardian, no more than 7.5% of recyclable office waste reaches a recycling facility. Not much, don’t you think? Moreover, bad waste practices are economically unfavorable while good waste practices such as recycling give grounds for an entirely new economic system. Its core...

    Vilmate Goes Kayaking Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Vilmate on July 31st, 2018

    Every summer, a bunch of super chill people from VILMATE goes kayaking. A few days later, they come back — tanned, smiling and a bit hungover.   © 2018, Vilmate LLC

    Voicera Team in Kyiv Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Vilmate on July 12th, 2018

    Finally, Vilmate is welcoming guests in our head office in Kiev! It is the Voicera team this time whose multi-talented team members from Dubai, India, the USA and Ukraine got together to have the first face-to-face meeting. Not long ago, Voicera formed a team of...

    Let’s Talk!
    To get your project underway, simply contact us and an expert will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

      “I’m looking forward to keep on working with Vilmate”

      A great technical team and a great partner we’ve been lucky to come across. We have been working together for many years and I’m looking forward to keep on working with Vilmate...

      They are “our team” – not “Vilmate's team” and I like that a lot!