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    Vilmate Running Club ‒ just an idea or a huge motivational factor? Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Vilmate on August 8th, 2023

    Vilmate LLC has been running Vilmate Running Club (sorry for the tautology :) for 4 years. This is a perk that is 100 percent paid by the company. And the main question is what is its future perspective and why does it exist first thing?...

    running clubvilmate
    What it feels to work with Vilmate for 10 years Posted by Anna Kumbatova in Blog, Vilmate on June 7th, 2023

    Anna Kumbatova is a COO at Vilmate with 10 years of experience. She started her journey when the company had only a couple of enthusiastic, highly motivated team members, and now it counts almost 200 skilled professionals from various branches of the IT sphere. We...

    Why Web Performance is so Important Posted by Danyl Koltak in Blog, Vilmate on February 17th, 2023

    Since online presence has become vital in the 21st century, the website performance may influence the core processes of business endeavors, brand perception, conversion rates, and users’ satisfactory level. In this text, we’ll discuss why website performance is important for everyone, how it’s measured, and...

    performance metricsservice toolsweb performance
    Supporting the Team in the Thick of War: Vilmate Experience Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Vilmate on September 23rd, 2022

    Against the background of active military events in our country, we would like to share the experience of extreme crisis management at Vilmate, which our Kharkiv team has acquired since the beginning of the invasion. We’ll talk about the actual operational and structural solutions the...

    businesscorporate culturehrvilmate
    Creating a Sports Club Based on the IT Company Model Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Vilmate on July 21st, 2021

    How can a person who has created a well-performing business can turn their favorite hobby into another incredible project? Discover in the truly inspiring story by Anton Reznikov, CEO of Vilmate. Today, our CEO Anton Reznikov will share his experience creating a sports club, using...

    corporate culture
    Building a Happy and Effective Team: Vilmate Experience Posted by Anna Kumbatova in Blog, Vilmate on June 7th, 2021

    I think everyone can agree: it’s easier to work in a healthy atmosphere that’s physically and mentally comfortable. People who feel good in their workplace perform better than their counterparts under pressure or stress. At Vilmate, we place great emphasis on the team atmosphere, which...

    corporate culture
    Corporate Social Responsibility: Tips from Vilmate Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Vilmate on May 19th, 2021

    How to act sustainably in 2021? Buy a few organic apples at the market or leave your car behind in summer and cycle to work? Of course, it’ll be good for the environment. But companies should develop a more comprehensive strategy. It should optimize internal...

    corporate culture
    Vilmate Green Office Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Vilmate on September 5th, 2019

    Initiating a recycling program in the workplace is easy — that’s what we’ve learned from our own experience. Getting started with recycling It all began six months ago. One day, encouraged by the example of our new client, we looked into the garbage produced in...

    Let’s Talk!
    To get your project underway, simply contact us and an expert will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

      “I’m looking forward to keep on working with Vilmate”

      A great technical team and a great partner we’ve been lucky to come across. We have been working together for many years and I’m looking forward to keep on working with Vilmate...

      They are “our team” – not “Vilmate's team” and I like that a lot!